Welcome to the 2024 Season!
2024 Season Schedule flyer
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Home Meet Parent Volunteer Sign-Up Form
2023 Volunteer Season Schedule
Volunteers Needed for the Friday Night Pasta Parties!
We need volunteers for the pasta parties this year! Our goal is to have a pasta party after practice the Friday before each Saturday meet. We can use the cafeteria, but need volunteers to provide the meal. We will be feeding anywhere between 40-50 athletes and coaches. If you are willing to help, please sign-up below. For those who prefer to donate money towards the pasta…donations can be given to Siri Pratt at practice, and I will order the pasta from a restaurant. Thank you!
Please click the links below to volunteer.
Please sign up for the TBA Girls Pasta Party
Please sign up for the TBA Girls Pasta Party.
Please sign up for the TBA ’12 Hour Run’ event.
Please sign up for the TBA Girls Pasta Party.
Volunteers Needed for Home Track Meets
Parents, Friends and Students, we need your help to make our home Track Meets a success. Please visit the volunteer sign-up website (links below) and sign-up to help. If you are only able to help for a portion of a shift, that is fine. Just add a comment with the times you are available.
If you have any questions, please contact Siri Pratt at siriwpratt@gmail.com
TBA – Coed vs. St. Charles North
TBA – VanDeveer Invitational
TBA – Coed vs. Batavia
TBA – DuKane Conference Championship