Volunteers needed for the Swedish Days 5k race this summer

Hey all, it’s Krista (Jordan, Sydney & David’s mom) Andersen,

I work at the Geneva Chamber of Commerce.  If any of you or your kids are looking to earn GIVE hours (and after going through scholarship applications this year we realized how much these people look for that!) I have something the whole family can get involved in.

We are offering a 5k during Swedish Days this summer on Saturday morning (partnering with Geneva Running Outfitters), June 25th and I need lots of help at the race that morning. You would be placed along the race route for various jobs like handing waters out etc.

It’s 6:30am-9:30am and I will give each a volunteer t-shirt. I would just need the attached waiver filled out and sent back to me.

Let me know as soon as possible if you or any family member 13years+ is interested.



([email protected] or [email protected])

Click here to download the  2016 Festival Volunteer Waiver.

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